Embedded RFID Tags 2

Embedded RFID Tags 2

Why put embedded RFID tags inside products?

More and more OEM products today have RFID tags embedded directly in the production process. So what are the benefits of doing this? OEM (Product Source Manufacturer) embeds RFID tags in the process of making products. This can not only improve the durability of the product, improve the cost performance of the product. But also avoid many irregular use of the product by customers.

A small label the size of sesame seeds without batteries, does it really have so many magical effects? Most of the friends who heard about the RFID embedded tag function for the first time could not believe it.

The cowhide is not blown, and the train is not pushed. Whether it is a mule or a horse, please be sure to listen to my explanation before making a judgment.

First, let’s take a look at the principle of using embedded RFID tags

When the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag is embedded in the product. It is equivalent to this product having a unique ID card in the world. Through the RFID card machine, by transmitting a radio signal of a specific frequency. The specially designed RFID tag can convert the radio wave into electrical energy. Which is activated, and then transmits a radio signal back. And this signal can be received by the radio frequency card machine, which completes an interaction between the card machine and the tag. This whole process sounds complicated, but it actually takes less than 0.1 seconds. What’s more interesting, a UHF card machine can read and write hundreds of tags at the same time. This makes the ID card of the RFID tag not only has the anti-counterfeiting function. There’s even the ability to batch read, change information, and verify over long distances. And these functions can have specific uses for the product.

Let’s first take a look at the product verification function of RFID embedded tags

We know that as a factory, when a customer buys a set of equipment, we very much hope that all the supporting equipment of the customer will use our products. This is not only because we want to make money for this accessory product. But more importantly, we can control the specifications and quality of the products we produce. If the customer uses the supporting products of other manufacturers. Because the equipment is not compatible enough, it may cause damage to our products and reduce the service life. For this reason, many companies stipulate that the supporting equipment produced by the company must be used in order to provide customers. With quality assurance services for the corresponding period.

Detected Immediately

This kind of regulation, for some specific industrial products, is indeed justified. But the question is, how can you guarantee that customers will use the company’s supporting products? And for those products with embedded RFID tags, the device can be automatically identified and authenticated by the tag. Especially for some high-precision equipment. If the customer wants to use some parts or supporting equipment not produced by the company. It can be detected immediately through RFID identification technology. become temporarily unavailable. This prevents the product from being damaged due to improper use by the customer during the warranty period. You can also avoid responsibilities that you should not have assumed.

RFID embedded tags also have calibration capabilities

Industrial products have an unavoidable problem. That is, the same factory, the same model, or even the same batch of products will always be slightly different. Which is the product tolerance. Tolerances cannot be avoided, and tolerances within reasonable limits are permitted.

Embedded RFID Tags 1

Embedded RFID Tags 1

Many precision instruments require calibration to these tolerances. Through RFID positioning technology, equipment can automatically calibrate these tolerances by adjusting the position of the part on the machine.

For example, automated surgical instruments for remote surgery. The installation position of the surgical blade needs to be adjusted slightly according to the tolerance of the surgical tool. Because of an error of one or two millimeters, it may lead to the rupture of the patient’s blood vessels, posing a threat to his life safety. At this time, the RFID tag is an additional guarantee for the patient’s life.

Embedded RFID Tags 3

Embedded RFID Tags 3

Another example is adding RFID tags to printer ink cartridges. Then when the ink cartridges not produced by our company enter the printer. The system can automatically recognize that they do not have the secret key of the RFID tag. And immediately order the printer to stop working. This avoids some consumables from unknown sources from harming the company’s printers.

#embedded #RFID embedded tags also manage the life cycle of the device

After embedding the RFID tag, the entire product’s “life course” can be integrated into the overall system. As long as it cooperates with the corresponding card reader. Every process of the product, every time it enters and leaves the warehouse, becomes traceable. It is also possible to use the system for very clear notifications and reminders. When and what products need maintenance, parts need to be replaced, and so on. Everything has become very smart. So this small embedded label greatly improves the added value of the product.

point 3

Many customers still embed RFID tags in their products even if the products have not yet used RFID systems. Because this label itself will also bring great advantages to marketing. The label itself has a strong anti-counterfeiting function. In addition, customers can also add their website information to the NFC tag. When the customer scans the tag with an NFC phone to verify the authenticity of the product. The tag can automatically guide the customer to the corresponding product page, which is a very interesting advertisement.

And many high-net-worth devices will initially include RFID tags. Then one day in the later period suddenly want to add some intelligent process management. The factory does not need to add additional external labels. This also ensures the concealment of the label and the aesthetics of the product.


In short, with the acceleration of the global Internet of Things process. More and more suppliers have realized the importance and special significance of RFID tags. More customers are willing to embed RFID tags in products during the production process of OEM products. RFID is like an upgraded two-dimensional code, the difference is that RFID tags can be read in batches from a long distance. And you can know the location of your products at any time. Embedding RFID tags into products from the beginning can better serve customers in the future, optimize business processes, and facilitate secondary sales.

Keyword: RFIDHY       Warehousing    NFC tag    RFID Solutions

Text: Li Shijun    RFIDHY

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